Total Cost to Date: $ 14,839.53
Total Hours to Date: 33
Total last updated 04-03-11

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Maybe this time...

oh.em.gee. We might actually have movement. Since Harris was unemployed none of his income counted for loan applications. Nor did our rental income since we didn't have a two year rental history or something. Well. That's nice isn't it. You've got ideas and a plan just no means to accomplish it. Thanks for playing. Harris started back to work full time in January. We've hit the post two year magical mark for rental income. Our house appraised for more than we paid for it and the subsequent rennovation. You see where this is going right? Barring last minute break downs in raleigh, we should have cash in hand to do the project Oct 1, 2012. We have no idea how long that will take, but here's hoping it's not another two years. Once we sign the construction documents and get permits I'll update the numbers spreadsheet. I've been not so secretely pissed about the $337 quarterly payments for vacant housing insurance that we've been making. Nor about walking over to the house and seeing it...same as it ever was. Nor about the continuing boarding of the house (What in the hell are you breaking in for???? The roof leaks, there's nothing of value inside, and it's structurally unsound) That is so about to change.


  1. Incredibly so!

    I'm also happy that we're going to be working with a GC that we like, trust, and whose work we've seen is great!
