Total Cost to Date: $ 14,839.53
Total Hours to Date: 33
Total last updated 04-03-11

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lizzy Proposed

Harris and I were brainstorming this past weekend about what Lizzy was missing and what we have not decided on.

We have a really tall crawl space. We're currently investigating whether or not we can pour concrete and finish part of this space for a laundry room and climate controlled storage. This would also enable us to put the water heater here if we decide to go with system with a tank and let us keep the panel box there. We have to investigate code for these decisions.

We're going to ask the preservation office if we can remove the fireplace that has collapsed. This has been a plan for awhile now, but we had been thinking that if we are able to remove the fireplace we would then place a half bathroom in that space. Now we are thinking that if they let us remove the fireplace, we'll put a staircase to the basement nee' crawl space in that location.

We still have not resolved where we will put closets. The house has such a way that there are really no straight lines or consistent walls. Once we remove the existing closet and full bath off of the bedroom, we'll have a better idea as to the dimensions of the hallway. However, we will also then have a house with no closets.

Then there is the question about access between the bedrooms. Do we want all access through the hallway or to retain the access between the two bedrooms? This access point was originally the rear door, so I think we have a lot of options.

So before we submit the proposal to the preservation office for comment we have some details to work out on our end. Thoughts and opinions appreciated...

I give you Lizzy Proposed!


  1. That looks remarkably like the layout of our house!!

  2. It's very similar to Matt & Jessie's too. The back section by the kitchen/hall/bath is the most confusing & least satisfying.
