Total Cost to Date: $ 14,839.53
Total Hours to Date: 33
Total last updated 04-03-11

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lizzy needs a good cleaning

We went over to Lizzy with a contractor right before Christmas. We asked him to provide us estimates for fixing the foundation, restoring the roof to its proper shape, and replacing the non-historic windows with the goal of having an exterior tight and structurally sound house. He was hopeful after seeing the foundation, as, apparently from the inside, he expected it to be much much worse. He worked on our Oakwood house and we have a great deal of confidence in his work, professional ethics, and billing.

He did caution us against jumping in the kitchen/hallway as there is a joist that is about to break.

While we were there I was saddened yet again by Lizzy. I know it's just a house. But here, this house is standing in for human suffering taking place for the profit of others. This house was rented out in this shape. Children made their home here. While we were in the back bedroom that will eventually be the kitchen, we found a hypodermic needle. While in the crawlspace we found those plastic sharps-esque stoppers that used needles are placed in. A lot of them.

It was then that I noticed the upturned barrel in the corner, the lights above, and realized that at some point, the crawlspace of this house was a shooting gallery. Who knows how many people have gotten high on that earthen floor while kids were playing inside on moldy carpets in a fire damaged house. Who knows how much money people made on that house, sucking every last useful cent out of families through the structure.

So for a little while at least, we'll not be going inside Lizzy unless it's broad daylight. We'll clean up and quietly sleep and let some more of the sadness of the place dissipate through the cardboard siding and cracks in the walls. Harris created a drawing of the house and I'm going to be digitizing it this week in the hopes that we can get our application submitted.

Proposed Timeline -
Have plans approved (or very nearly so) by May.

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