Total Cost to Date: $ 14,839.53
Total Hours to Date: 33
Total last updated 04-03-11

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bamboo take 2

Madeline woke me up around 5am and we all decided to get up around 6:22. She of course then decided to nap at 10am when I was full of the energy.

So I tried a new approach to bamboo removal. I took a pair of loppers over to the house and individually cut each piece of bamboo. At the beginning it went really fast and I was quite accurate, however, about an hour in to the process, I noticed it was taking much, much longer. I then started moving bamboo to the pile until Harris called me home for lunch.

We're estimating there is about three more hours of bamboo cutting to be done. Then there will probably be 5-10 hours of junk picking, raking, recycling glass, and hauling stuff to the curb.

There are several trees that I was able to see today up close. Once the bamboo is gone, the yard is going to be beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you till the land with a rototiller after you cut the bamboo down will keep the bamboo from coming back from the roots?
